Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
time of not afriad
i will go where it will take me sometime this year, i will get it over with and then concentrate on the matters at hand.
the mind is set. the soul is free. the decision is. i am to be. unique as one. no what or if. no regret. what will will become is. let the fire begin.
i am going down under. come what may.
i am only here temporarily. forever is up there.
nothing to lose.
the mind is set. the soul is free. the decision is. i am to be. unique as one. no what or if. no regret. what will will become is. let the fire begin.
i am going down under. come what may.
i am only here temporarily. forever is up there.
nothing to lose.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I was looking at the pictures I took on iPhoto and realized that I worked for 2 consecutive Saturdays. I didn't check if I work also on the Saturday before that, but it doesn't matter any more.
I don't think this is the way I want to live. Especially not here in Hong Kong which is somewhat a contradiction.
I probably have a pessimistic view of Hong Kong but not a hopeless one. How do I see Hong Kong?
I see it as a rapidly changing and degrading society with basic units and foundation of society being taken apart. Hong Kong is changing faster than people know how to deal with the change. Nobody has a clue. Not the government, not teachers, not the education system, no the families, not the experts and probably not even the Christian community. Well, maybe some know but what can we do about it?
Family units are breaking down, relationship is being redefined, there a new social issues that nobody know how to make sense of, there are new ethnical and moral problems; people are dealing with many new things. It's kind of like a teenager growing up.
I don't think this is the way I want to live. Especially not here in Hong Kong which is somewhat a contradiction.
I probably have a pessimistic view of Hong Kong but not a hopeless one. How do I see Hong Kong?
I see it as a rapidly changing and degrading society with basic units and foundation of society being taken apart. Hong Kong is changing faster than people know how to deal with the change. Nobody has a clue. Not the government, not teachers, not the education system, no the families, not the experts and probably not even the Christian community. Well, maybe some know but what can we do about it?
Family units are breaking down, relationship is being redefined, there a new social issues that nobody know how to make sense of, there are new ethnical and moral problems; people are dealing with many new things. It's kind of like a teenager growing up.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Souperman: the origin and new definition.
i use souperman as my aim screen name and named this blog afterward not because i think i have superpower, but kind of as a homage to the Australian writer Paul Jennings' short story title: 'Souperman'. Who is 'souperman'? From the story, souperman was basically superman except that he gets his superpower from can soup. Without the can of soup, he's a weak person who struggles to open the can he need to get this power from.
in hindsight, i think i am a weakling without the external power, the power of God. i think human needs a lot of stuff to be strong, like love, trust, security, knowledge, wisdom, support, etc.
For a long time, a very long time actually (at least 7 years) I have been asking what I want to be? What kind of career do I want? What goal do I have? What I am here for?
I oversaw one question though, "What does God want me to be?"
I thought of that before but never serious thought about it or in detail. And once I am starting to break it down, decisions become easier.
One problem that I have been dealing with is juggling all the different ministries/services at church. I have been learning a lot for the past 2 years serving at church and especially the year, but the load is a bit too much and I find myself struggling to do anyone of them particular well and then I was exhausting myself, neglecting some areas of my life. I knew I have to cut something back, but didn't know which exactly.
What does God want me to focus on? (children fellowship, small group, choir)
I feel a burden for small group and children fellowship in particular and less on choir.
I enjoy choir although it's hard at times. Choir is a mature ministry but just short on people. There are a number of sisters and brothers gifted an devoted to the choir to make sure it is doing well. I am just an extra voice.
Small group (SG) is just starting out and I think we are trying hard to mesh well together, getting to know one another so caring is one big thing to do. And caring takes time! Most people are quite busy during the weekdays and Sunday lunch is a good opportunity to get to know SG better. In the little time that I might only have in Hong Kong (before I go anywhere else if everything work out fine), it is crucial that SG is solid with at least a core of SGers. A lot of caring, time, heart and etc.
Went to the Children fellowship meeting on Wednesday and we are going into another stage. Ms Chan prepared really well. It was more than just a meeting, it was also training and development. We are expanding, teachers need to be more devoted. We are setting up at least month long committment. We are not short on teachers, but a bit short in the core. We need at least 4 but only have 2 and both girls. We need some balance. I wanted to join but Ms Chan warned us that it will be a lot of work and needs committment and so I did not raise my hand. There is a big need. It's so important to have a good children program. Make a difference in the world, i youngsters' lives.
in hindsight, i think i am a weakling without the external power, the power of God. i think human needs a lot of stuff to be strong, like love, trust, security, knowledge, wisdom, support, etc.
For a long time, a very long time actually (at least 7 years) I have been asking what I want to be? What kind of career do I want? What goal do I have? What I am here for?
I oversaw one question though, "What does God want me to be?"
I thought of that before but never serious thought about it or in detail. And once I am starting to break it down, decisions become easier.
One problem that I have been dealing with is juggling all the different ministries/services at church. I have been learning a lot for the past 2 years serving at church and especially the year, but the load is a bit too much and I find myself struggling to do anyone of them particular well and then I was exhausting myself, neglecting some areas of my life. I knew I have to cut something back, but didn't know which exactly.
What does God want me to focus on? (children fellowship, small group, choir)
I feel a burden for small group and children fellowship in particular and less on choir.
I enjoy choir although it's hard at times. Choir is a mature ministry but just short on people. There are a number of sisters and brothers gifted an devoted to the choir to make sure it is doing well. I am just an extra voice.
Small group (SG) is just starting out and I think we are trying hard to mesh well together, getting to know one another so caring is one big thing to do. And caring takes time! Most people are quite busy during the weekdays and Sunday lunch is a good opportunity to get to know SG better. In the little time that I might only have in Hong Kong (before I go anywhere else if everything work out fine), it is crucial that SG is solid with at least a core of SGers. A lot of caring, time, heart and etc.
Went to the Children fellowship meeting on Wednesday and we are going into another stage. Ms Chan prepared really well. It was more than just a meeting, it was also training and development. We are expanding, teachers need to be more devoted. We are setting up at least month long committment. We are not short on teachers, but a bit short in the core. We need at least 4 but only have 2 and both girls. We need some balance. I wanted to join but Ms Chan warned us that it will be a lot of work and needs committment and so I did not raise my hand. There is a big need. It's so important to have a good children program. Make a difference in the world, i youngsters' lives.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I am rediscovering Lifehouse thanks to music.myspace.com
Some of my colleagues are workaholics. Most are not but are forced to, but some are real workaholics.
These workaholics make work harder and busier than it really is. They believe that OT is a must and if you are not OTing, you are being lazy. For them, OT is standard.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I think if work isn't so fast paced, I would enjoy it a whole lot more. i think it's got to do with the pressure of someone.
In a way, because of the pressure for speed, you can't really give your best work. you know it's not that good (to put it in a good way). i feel like i am just going for passing grade, just pass my superior, the aim is not excellence.
today, i am actually on a tight schedule but i took the time to find better photos for the book and the thought of just making better sooth my mind. maybe that's the coolest thing about art making. there is something in your mind, you create it, work on it, rework on it and perfect it.
i miss making art.
well, is thinking also an art form?
had the 264 fellowship meeting last night and i think it went well. we finished stuff on the agenda just before 9 and i learned what AOB is haha. After AOB it was round 9:30 and a few of us went to the back street for late dinner. i actually didn't have to eat but i bet if i didn't i would be searching for food back at home. we had some good convo. 264 certainly growing quite fast. quantity is not a concern, quality is and there seems to be a shortage of leaders. i also realized that 264 is quite busy. the capable ones are all heavily involved in different roles, somewhat being exhausted. i find the same with church actually. and almost all of them don't brat about it, they hardly complain if ever. that's something for me to learn.
Monday, March 2, 2009
10:25 pm
Speed is everything
Hong Kong is not a place that encourages deep thinking. In Hong Kong, speed is everything. However, speed does not equal efficiency.
(a) 諺語「各家自掃門前雪」指的是只顧發生在自己管轄範圍內的事,對發生在外,即使只是寸腳之隔的地方的事,一概不予理會,既不協助,也不阻止。在全球化的趨勢下,科技、交流和合作關係令各地關係變得緊密,即使發生在數以千里之遠的事情,也可能會對本地造成影響;因此各地均需留意他國的事情,並需盡力保衛各方利益。抱著「各家自掃門前雪」的心態,對他國的事情不聞不問,不代表能免受波及,反而可能會因輕視而沒有對其作出預防,損失會更為慘重。例如以色列與加沙的衝突可能發生在遙遠的土,看起來與我們無甚關係,但若戰火不滅,反而蔓延開來,則可能演變成波及各地的戰爭,我們便不能享用入口自這些地方的物資,全球的經濟也可能受到影響。因此,「各家自掃門前雪」這種觀念已不合時宜,各地實應加強合作,努力共建和諧、消除衝突。
Life Goes On
1.substantial; solid
2.full of substance
3.to flesh sth. out
How do you live life to the fullest? Love someone, something and be loved in return. Does God satisfy that? He should right? He's God.
More stupid answer
(a) 學生自由作答。例如解決問題的可行性並不大。一直以來,香港大部分市民都接受政府醫院的服務,私家醫院的服務只佔相對很少的比例。公眾對公共醫療服務的依賴,造成求過於供、病人輪候時間不斷增加等問題。以上資料所反映的措施,就是向政府醫院病人轉用私家醫院服務的誘因,以優惠價錢吸引他們到私家醫院接受電腦掃描和磁力共振的服務,從而減輕政府醫院的負擔。但是,我認為以上的措施難以舒緩公共醫療負荷過重的問題。因為香港政府一貫的醫療政策是︰不容市民因經濟困難而得不到適當的醫療服務,而且大幅資助公共醫療服務。此外,在香港的三層醫療服務架構中,第三層醫療服務,涵蓋高度複雜和昂貴的護理服務,通常需使用先進技術和涉及多項專業知識,這些服務大部分由公營醫院提供。換句話說,即使以上的措施可令一部分的政府醫院病人轉用私家醫院的檢查服務(電腦掃描和磁力共振),但那些病人若需接受更進一步的治療,很可能需要回到政府醫院接受治療,可見措施難以解決香港所面臨的公共衛生問題。
(a) 人們對疾病的恐懼隨之減少,對科技更為信任和依賴,使科技得到相當廣泛的應用。即使科技引起了公共衛生資源負荷沉重和分配不均等問題,但我認為只要政府實施有效的調配資源政策,以及透過教育市民等方式,培養正確使用科技的態度,長遠而言,醫療科技還是帶來利多於弊。
Gosh, why are these answers so freaking long and tedious like a broken record?
Hong Kong is not a place that encourages deep thinking. In Hong Kong, speed is everything. However, speed does not equal efficiency.
(a) 諺語「各家自掃門前雪」指的是只顧發生在自己管轄範圍內的事,對發生在外,即使只是寸腳之隔的地方的事,一概不予理會,既不協助,也不阻止。在全球化的趨勢下,科技、交流和合作關係令各地關係變得緊密,即使發生在數以千里之遠的事情,也可能會對本地造成影響;因此各地均需留意他國的事情,並需盡力保衛各方利益。抱著「各家自掃門前雪」的心態,對他國的事情不聞不問,不代表能免受波及,反而可能會因輕視而沒有對其作出預防,損失會更為慘重。例如以色列與加沙的衝突可能發生在遙遠的土,看起來與我們無甚關係,但若戰火不滅,反而蔓延開來,則可能演變成波及各地的戰爭,我們便不能享用入口自這些地方的物資,全球的經濟也可能受到影響。因此,「各家自掃門前雪」這種觀念已不合時宜,各地實應加強合作,努力共建和諧、消除衝突。
Life Goes On
1.substantial; solid
2.full of substance
3.to flesh sth. out
How do you live life to the fullest? Love someone, something and be loved in return. Does God satisfy that? He should right? He's God.
More stupid answer
(a) 學生自由作答。例如解決問題的可行性並不大。一直以來,香港大部分市民都接受政府醫院的服務,私家醫院的服務只佔相對很少的比例。公眾對公共醫療服務的依賴,造成求過於供、病人輪候時間不斷增加等問題。以上資料所反映的措施,就是向政府醫院病人轉用私家醫院服務的誘因,以優惠價錢吸引他們到私家醫院接受電腦掃描和磁力共振的服務,從而減輕政府醫院的負擔。但是,我認為以上的措施難以舒緩公共醫療負荷過重的問題。因為香港政府一貫的醫療政策是︰不容市民因經濟困難而得不到適當的醫療服務,而且大幅資助公共醫療服務。此外,在香港的三層醫療服務架構中,第三層醫療服務,涵蓋高度複雜和昂貴的護理服務,通常需使用先進技術和涉及多項專業知識,這些服務大部分由公營醫院提供。換句話說,即使以上的措施可令一部分的政府醫院病人轉用私家醫院的檢查服務(電腦掃描和磁力共振),但那些病人若需接受更進一步的治療,很可能需要回到政府醫院接受治療,可見措施難以解決香港所面臨的公共衛生問題。
(a) 人們對疾病的恐懼隨之減少,對科技更為信任和依賴,使科技得到相當廣泛的應用。即使科技引起了公共衛生資源負荷沉重和分配不均等問題,但我認為只要政府實施有效的調配資源政策,以及透過教育市民等方式,培養正確使用科技的態度,長遠而言,醫療科技還是帶來利多於弊。
Gosh, why are these answers so freaking long and tedious like a broken record?
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