I think my problem is that even in the morning, I have like a million things on my mind before I even start to work.
I just thought of how I missed the opportunity to teach some team concept to the two brothers who were fighting for position and the young one ended up crying. As a result, our team lost.
I got a link from my friend's wedding and I realized that the photographer was more like a amateur/professional without any substantial credential or training. In fact he put "certain training" on his website. But his photo isn't bad but are stuff that I could do. So it got me thinking, I could do something like that too. I could be an event photographer on the weekend and even at night. Freelance. What I need to do is to make a nice website with my portfolio on it, get the legal stuff, get a better camera (which i would do eventually myself anyway), better lenses and a real professional flash and that's basically it for me. The hard part would be myself. I would need to be a businessman, get organize, figure out how to organize the photos, have a place to archive them and make back up. It would be fun. I can get my brother or Leo as an assistant.
Yesterday night while walking back home, I told my brother that the backpack is heavy and asked if he could carry it. He carried it for me without much hesitation. I was actually a bit shock at how there was no resistant at all. I knew he would but I expected some verbal excuses before doing so and I was thankful for that.
While keeping order with the two brothers earlier in the day, I realized that my brother and I never had much of those experience because our age gap is just too big. We hardly fight. There was never ever any much competition. I was, for the past 12 years or so much bigger and stronger. It's only recently that we are ona a par physically...well, length-wise. I think he is a bit more mature and sensible than his peers because he learned from us, the much older siblings. He is considered the 'good' kid amongst his friends' parents. His friends' parents trust him and as long as their kids are hanging with him, the parents are at ease.
The theme at church this year is 'United as one to serve our Tin Tuen family'. The sermons this year are mainly on this theme and Rev had been hammering us with this message. However, although his sermons are very clear to me, a lot of people at church might not acknowledge the message. In truth, most people don't really pay attention during sermon, most people's minds just wander off, I know I do for like 20 minutes of a 45 min sermon. Most people might not even think of having to apply the message to their lives. I think it's a good lunchtime conversation to talk about the sermon. I always want to but it's somewhat hard. One is that you need to be surrounded by people I could talk to about the sermon. I also think the message of the sermons is too singular. Sermons need to be constructed to be more direct, personal for the people instead of illustrating a grand concept. Probably a mix would be good.
I was listening to music and Beyond or 黃家駒's 遙望came on. It's one of my favourite Beyond songs. I don't fully understand the lyrics but it's a melancholy song that moves me. The songs is for a girl but listening to it, it sounded as if it's for 黃家駒 . Well more like for us to deal with his departure. Listening to almost every song of Beyond, I get a sense of deep lost because of 黃家駒. His music really moves people. And it's not his looks, or his great vocal, it's his soul which transpire from his music. Thinking of Ka Kui, it feels like as feel these people, people like him, who are so rare in the society that we live in, are often taken away from us prematurally.
to look into the distance
仍是雨夜 凝望窗外 沉默的天際
問蒼天 可會知 心裡的感覺
隨著歲月 無盡愛念 藏在於心裡
像冰封 的眼光 失去了方向
讓雨點輕輕的灑過 強把憂鬱再掩蓋
像碎星閃閃於天空 叫喚妳
遙望盼望 能像清風 陪伴她飄去
讓孤單 的臂彎 一再抱緊妳
回望往日 如霧似夢 無奈的輕嘆
是她的 歡笑聲 風似輕吹過
每天多麼多麼的需要 永遠與妳抱擁著
縱使分開分開多麼遠 也會聽到妳呼喚
I think difference between a rev and pastor, or clergy generally from other people serving in the church is that they made a committment to bare the cross, to get into the gutter, to deal with all the shits of humanity (well, not all literally). Well, at least they made themselves to be in the profession at the middle of it. make it part of the livelihood. and that's not easy.
八○年代中期,香港的流行樂界再次興起樂隊潮流,像另一次循環般帶動另一種風氣,曾推出自己唱片的有「浮世繪」、「小島」、「凡風」、「Raidas」、「太極」、「Blue Jeans」、「達明一派」、「民間傳奇」等樂隊,包括搖滾、電子、民歌、流行等不同風格,他們的音樂元素已相當豐富,此外還有完全獨立(不附屬於任何唱片公司)的「黑鳥」、「盒子」和稍後的「AMK」等樂隊,他們活躍樂界的時間縱使只有一兩年,但都留下了具水準的唱片,同時期的《結他& Players》、《助聽器》、《音樂一週》等音樂刊物、連同一些別具眼光地引進外國獨立廠牌唱片的小型商舖,應視為整個八○年代由樂人所創建的音樂文化的一部份。Beyond作為這文化的一支,長期處於商業夾縫中,始終抱持明確的訊息,外界總不斷有「從俗」的要求,強大得無法抗拒,在〈俾面派對〉、〈不可一世〉、〈過去與今天〉等歌曲中,我們聽到的是比輕易接受或斷然拒絕更複雜的聲音,在認清了一切之後,向那不得已的「就範」力爭一點微薄的立場,在限制中放置可能、在宿命中求取自由,是比空喊反抗更令人動容的宣告。
在憤怒以外,Beyond有更多較正面的〈可否衝破〉、〈不再猶豫〉、〈衝開一切〉、〈勇闖新世界〉等歌,「理想」是經常出現的字眼,從八六年的〈再見理想〉至九三年的〈海闊天空〉,「理想」一詞始終貫徹其間,連歌頌母愛的〈真的愛妳〉也沒有忘記提及自己的「理想今天終於等到,分享光輝盼做到」,早期 Beyond許多歌曲的基本訊息都是擺脫目前受限的困局,追求心中理想,我想香港的樂隊以至流行歌手,沒有像Beyond那樣經常發出近乎「理想泛濫」的訊息。他們要衝破的,相信也包括不得已而唱的〈喜歡妳〉等情歌,可惜正如他們在訪問中提過,他們愈是討厭的歌,就愈是受歡迎。Beyond未必仇視情歌或商業,何況搖滾樂在外國本是很流行,有些也很商業化,只是在香港就被視為「另類」,這卻是他們無法衝破的怪象。一九九九年三人Beyond延至世紀末的最後一張大碟,再沒有「理想泛濫」的歌詞貫徹,而是代之以一曲〈荒謬〉,淡然地道破一切真實的所有:「某天人生多麼優美,這天人心肚滿腸肥」。
八○年代一度樂隊雲集的高山劇場早已改建,在昔日那半露天的前台,樂手調校器材期間,揚聲器總不時發出剌耳的feed back回音,台下觀眾報以零星喧嚷,既興奮又帶一點不安的煩燥。突然響起了巨大的聲音,聽不清歌手在唱甚麼,卻好像在說:「這裡、這裡、這裡」,許多觀眾像被招聚的遊魂,紛紛湧到台前,要抓住失去的甚麼。到電結他過門獨奏時,又好像在說:「那裡、那裡、那裡」。就是那巨大的聲音,在日後仍然持續,接近二十年後三人Beyond重唱新編的〈永遠等待〉,更巨大的搖滾,把我們擺盪在「這裡」和「那裡」。