Monday, November 9, 2009

a culture of sorry

In the western world, and in my case, that would be America, we have a culture of apologizing or saying sorry. To be sorry is a good thing and people are generally very sympathetic, understanding, appreciative and nice to people who apologize.

We do that quite a lot, to say sorry, and also to say thank you. Some people might think we over do it quite a bit, and part of it is a courteous thing. But it's not bad, or wrong. It might be a bit superficial at times but then who isn't? We are all superficial at some times or another, and I don't think it's wrong to be superficial courteous just to be nice to someone, even when it's not natural to us. And in some ways, it's how we learn to become nice and better people.

To me, it's part of a process to love others who you wouldn't really care for.

There are times when I don't feel like saying "hi" or be nice to people who are not nice in general, but I push myself to be nice disregardingly sometimes. Not all the time, because I am not perfect, but it is a process.

It's very different for Chinese or maybe even perhaps in Asian society, especially in Chinese society, where it's hard for anybody to admit wrongs. For some Chinese, or people, admitting wrong means demotion or the end of something.

And I think it has to do with how Chinese are less forgiving people and that notion of "face." I understand it, and I think it has to do with the different culture.

The western world is hugely influenced by the Judaeo-Christian tradition with Christ as the Saviour who was sent to us by grace. There is a notion that we are all bad people, sinners and that God's forgiveness is something that we don't deserve. I think that has something to do with how Americans are more forgiving and appreciative of people who admit wrongs and apologize.

I like how I grew up in Australia and America, and be exposed to this alternative way or western way of thinking and attitude. I find it a bit troubling living in Hong Kong because in ways, I can't be so nice and soft, because there are people out there who would just swallow and jump at you for being nice and soft, not seeing that as strength, but weakness and opportunity to bite and bring you down.

For me, I believe it takes more to forgive and apologize then to be on the offensive. It's easy to blame and criticize someone. We are all faulty and each of us has parts that are ugly and not so pleasing. Our characters are flawed. We are all losers in some ways. We are all unperfect. In fact, we all have some genetic disorders, it just that most of them aren't that noticeable or so bad that prevent us from our common lives.

I believe in inclusion. We are all craps, in a good way, and we should all take care of one another. I don't think any of us deserve everything that we have. A lot of stuff are given to us, there are many things we never earned but we do have them.

I never earned to have parents, to have my siblings, financial aid, tuition help, strangers being nice to me, friendships, food and shelter and a whole lot of other things as well as God. I never earned God's love. In fact, I could never do that and could never return that great love.

And in a sense, that knowledge empowers me and give me strength to do stuff my selfish self wouldn't probably do on a daily basis.

I m taken care of by the Almighty God. I am an empty vessel and the goods is the Almighty God of the entire universe and beyond. When you think about it, it's humbling and amazing at the same time. I think the important part that I have to keep in mind is to check myself. Make sure that I am humble and not doing and acting upon myself, but have God in mind. And we are all going to fall short of that but it is a process. Ultimately, it's what HE wants to be done, not what I want to do. God is to be a part of everything I do.

My audience is God. I do for Him, not the crowd, not the mass, not the critics, but God Himself, and that's actually should a lot of pressure but at the same time, He is understanding and has a great love. And it's because of this great love that we love.

So, thank you, thank you for this great love. It's for you and I will work hard and try.

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