Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Reason for clergy shortage
Reason for clergy shortage? Just ask why pastors leave churches
A growing challenge in many denominations is finding enough pastors to serve the churches that are vacant. More people are leaving the ministry ranks (through resignation or retirement) than are joining them. In my own denomination, the Christian Reformed Church, plans to start new churches are repeatedly scaled back because we can’t find enough qualified pastors to start these new churches. Our denomination is having a hard enough time finding enough pastors to fill vacant churches, let alone finding pastors to start new ones. Why the shortage of ministers?
Several years ago, consultants Alan and Cheryl Klaas were hired by the Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) to investigate this issue. They were tasked to find the root causes of the clergy shortage that many denominations are facing. The problem they uncovered was unexpected (to them) and troubling. The reason for the drop-off of new ministry recruits matched the reason for an increase in people leaving ministry: the conflict, criticism, and ill-treatment that has become an all-too-common aspect of ministry life. What follows is an excerpt of an article in the Baptist standard:
“[This research study] was intended to be a traditional recruitment and retention study,” Klaas said. For example, he thought he’d be recommending changes on issues like seminary communication with potential students.
“We wondered if students got good services, if seminaries were recruiting the right people,” he explained. But in the end, the Klaases concluded the problems are 20 percent institutional and 80 percent behavioral.
“The fundamental finding is that people beating on each other is the main issue,” Klaas said.
One telling statistic from the Klaas study is the decrease in the numbers of pastors’ kids who become pastors themselves. Klaas estimates that pastors’ children made up about 40 percent of seminarians in the 1950s and ’60s. It’s a much different picture now at the two seminaries in the denomination Klaas was working with. Last year, pastors’ children made up only 5 percent of seminarians at one and 17 percent at the other.
The bottom line is that churches need to do a better job at caring for and supporting their pastors. Another way of looking at it — from the vantage point of the pastors themselves — is to say that pastors need to do a better job of caring for and supporting themselves (through training, taking time off, participating in support groups, etc.). Instead of sitting back and hoping that the church will do it for you, create a plan and insist on the church’s support for you to take the steps you need to care for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
I sometimes wonder what would have happened in my case, had I done this. I tried to do it, but was not clear enough about what I needed, or insistent about getting the funding to get help. To be honest, I don’t think I really understood what I needed or how badly I needed it until it was too late. Don’t make that mistake.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Theory of Galacticalization
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I was looking at the list of assignments for World History and humm ... I gasped. I am beginning to see how Alex's departure and Fannie's maternity leave is affecting my work load. It's a bit funny lately because I have been given some responsibility in managing this geography book and I just need to ask my colleagues a lot of questions to make sure I got everything correct. We really lack editors who can edit English here. We got a new editor, Pam, and she seems to be good.
I have been thinking for a while now if this is the life for me. And I think the answer is a pretty sure 'no'. I just don't see myself being permanently here. I think I am working too hard, spending too much time for too little. It's not bad, and I got great colleagues here, something to be thankful for. But still, it's not really for me.
I need more holiday, more regular working hours, a bit more freedom. I think I am more of a writer than an editor. I rather have people edit me than for me to edit someone's work.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday again
Had my appraisal last Tuesday and I was kind of scare because it was my first time and I wasn't making deadline on the latest assignment. Boss was alright with me. I actually wanted to smile and laugh. I don't know, sometimes when i get nervous I would giggle and laugh. I think it's a self-imposed mechanism that is suppose to distract me from stress. Anyway, I basically acted serious the whole time and buffed up my lips and pulled back my chin and jaws to prevent that stupid smile from coming on.
Boss basically told me to be more professional and have a more professional look. She told me to sit up straight and button up. And she talked a bit about my personality and how I need to give a good impression. She told me that people are going to judge me with first impression, they don't have time to get to know who you are. She said that I need more determination and more focused. It was good, I knew that she was telling the truth.
She even asked me if I think I am suitable for the job and told me to at least finish this cycle and don't be like one of the coworker who left. I think she gave me some honest, good advices. Yet at the same time she wanted to know what I was thinking about working and if I would leave or not. I think she wanted me to at least stay until the LS book and World History's cycles are finished.
I told her that I don't think I am a sitting in an office kind of person. She asked if I can make it as a reporter...
She was trying on a smile and wanted to crack a joke and make it less serious but i was too scare to smile and laugh with her.
Afterward, my coworkers said if you two shared a laugh, I said no... I guess I was suppose to ease up a bit.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Freaking Crap
I just realized that a few people who I thought were older than me are actually younger. That really knocked something up my head. I still feel like a kid. I realized that I am not that young anymore, but not old either. But still, I think people treat me like a kid. I am not sure if it's my appearance or character. Part of me is really childish and immature but there is a serious part of me too. I still don't like how people just look down on me because of my apparent age. It's disrespectful. I am not quite sure why I don't get taken seriously by people.
Sometimes I think I am too naive and honest. I was just told by my superior that I shouldn't be so honest during the latest talk we had for teachers. I did nothing wrong morally but it was against the company's interest. A teacher asked me if I was a teacher, and I told her I was there just to support my company. Urr. Hopefully I won't get into too much trouble over this.
I think it is these kind of things that I have little clue on. Like how to act up and stuff. I think it's a mix blessing.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Ping Ping was at choir today, I was a bit surprised to see him there. Only thing is that he's not baptized yet, if so, it would be great to have more guys in choir. I actually do feel a bit lonely there. There are not too many guys at the noon service choir and none at my age actually.
Choir is getting more and more enjoyable. The songs are great even though it is a bit tiring especially with all the weddings this season! Haha, and I was on time today, no, actually I was early haha today.
At night got some rude complain from the floor above with our piano playing at night. They were yelling and pounding the ground above us. I found that really rude. We stopped the piano playing already and they were still yelling so I went to the balcony and talked back to whoever above. And it was great. There were some argument but I got to understand their views and we worked the problem out. I didn't know our piano is that loud.
Friday, December 5, 2008
At times I just get sick of Microword Word. Can there be a more inspiring interface? Like a creative mood setting or look?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
《問》: 張虹
映後座談會內容: 導演張虹將講述紀錄片的歷史以及其角色
After work today, well, i OTed like a little over an hour, I picked up some sushi and went to HK Film Archive, which is a 20 minutes walk from my work, to watch a documentary,《問》, by Tammy Cheung. I was first introduced to Cheung's film when I was an exchange student at CUHK in the Fall of 2003 when 搬屋 and 平安米 was shown at the main hall for either free or really really cheap. There were hardly any people there, it was basically empty and Cheung was suppose to be there but wasn't. Both films were very interesting, humorous and captivating. Since then, I became a fan of Cheung.
A week ago, AM730, the free newspaper that I usually pick up had a section on Cheung and her new film, "Election" and how her films were being shown at the Hong Kong Film Archive in November. It was hosted by Roundtable Community, a non-partisan group, and it offered free tickets. So I e-mailed the address and got my free ticket. I was planning to watch the Wednesday screening of "Election" but something came up so I went tonight instead which was fantastic because it turned out that tonight was when Tammy Cheung herself would be there for discussion after the screening.
《問》is a good film and I totally enjoyed it. It was filmed in 2005 I think and asked some questions to a collection of Hong Kong people. It was really interesting with the same humor of Cheung's. The best part, however, was the discussion afterward. I asked her 2 questions the first time, "How did you pick those intervewees? And in your opinion, why do you think there are so little documentary films being made in Hong Kong despite for the large amount of potential materials here as you mentioned?" She answered the first one quite easily and told a while answering the second one as she talked herself into an answer, and actually came back to it after answering another question from someone in the audience but her answer really answered the core problems of Hong Kong people.
I wish I recorded her answer (I did record later on), which was quite detailed but she got to it. I can't remember it all but I will write down what I can remember:
Our education don't train our people to think critically. We only care about money. People don't give time to think. People don't think as well now. They don't know information, they don't know about the topic, how can they define and make documentary. Documentary requires critical thinking. Also people are not good with their language, which is their basic skills to communicate. If they can't do so, how can they make film. HK people don't value history and their culture, and that's sad. I see moms everywhere on the street teaching their babies and kids how to speak English. We apply foreign solutions to our local problems, that's not going to work. Documentary film just isn't glamorous. People want to see good-looking young people. There isn't a market for it. We are responsible. Hong Kong people are responsible. We suck. It's our bad. People don't take time to learn. The government doesn't encourage us to learn about issues but nothing is stopping us.
It also has to do with Chinese culture in which we have a notion that making documentary film is confrontational. It isn't, that documentary film is social movement.
She gave a really good answer that was really reflective of Hong Kong culture but I just can't remember it all. I wish I recorded it.
采風電影 Visible Record
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Calvin哥哥 慈善基金
Brother Calvin’s Charity Foundation: for poverty and democracy
Mayday Mayday
Just need to get things done.
A lot of people suffering and needing help but the number of people who can help is very limited or maybe we are just not as connected as we should be. We need more "giver". We need to nurture more people, build up more people. Everybody is busy but I believe things can be improved and the load be softened if everybody make a little sacrifice (heart, time and action) and share the load. Need to get people "plugged" in.
Busyness is an obstacle.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
George Carlin
George Carlin is one of the greatest contemporary American comedians who used his provoking comedy acts to prompt people to think about morality, politics, social issues and other topics. I think that's what great about comedy, it would bring people to discuss on things that would not otherwise. Yes, he used profanity but he also made millions of us think about important things that we otherwise wouldn't. He made it entertaining to think for many of us.
George Carlin was a wizard with words and had a great mind. He said that he would probably be a teacher if not a comedian.
"Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent...and so very appropriate"
Someone sent me this many months ago and I made it an obligation to share it because it is so relevant for us today, no matter if we are in LA, New York, Tokyo or Hong Kong. His message is a reminder for us, reminding us of the ills in society, our weaknesses, our immaturity, our wrongs and other issues we will have to deal with to make this place a better place for us and our little ones.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
People Leaving
Yesterday, Friday, Willy Li who sat on my left and Alex who sat in front of me, left. Alex came to this company just a few days after I started working here and we have the same birthday (not year). We are both from California, graduated from UCs and shared somewhat a similar experience growing up.
We were hired to work on the English version of the world history textbook and her departure leaves me as the only "English" person in the history section.
A lot of people left in the past month or so. First it was Patty, then Eleanor and Zhi On. I am going to write about them so I won't forget who they are.
Patty came to work on the English edition of the Liberal Studies textbook. She was excited about working here and tried to fit in but at a point, she stopped eating out with us and just looked blue. It began somewhat hard to talk to her. And then she left. She didn't leave happily and I don't know why. There's something there but I don't know what it is. She studied English with emphasis on communication at UST.
Eleanor worked at the Chinese section but we used to see each other a lot in the subway because she also lives in Shatin. I remember on one rainy day on which I forgot my umbrella, she walked with me to work, that was very nice of her because her umbrella was kind of small. I was actually thinking about finding a broken umbrella from the dump before she offered.
Zhi On was a lengthly guy and we chatted sometimes at the pantry. At times we talked about NBA and he was a funny guy. I don't think he left well. He was nervous and choking a bit when he was going around giving us cakes.
There was also Dorothy who was in her early 40s and head of the Liberal Studies section. She was nice and was somewhat looked over me. She was quite nice to me and helped me out a few times when I was being too honest and carefree. She left quite suddenly, sooner than expected and I didn't say goodbye probably. Wish her well.
I wonder when I will leave haha.
Friday night we had a good time doing Bible study and afterward during sharing we went into the topic of children fellowship and children ministry. We had a nice little discussion. What Sunny and Eve said of the importance of children ministry/program really woke me up. When I entered children fellowship ministry, I didn't really think too much of it. I thought of it more as a way to encourage parents to go to Sunday school while giving kids a quality time. I guess I didn't see the bigger picture and vision of how children worship is part of something bigger, and important to the quality and life of the church.
So what we talked about?
Children ministry, well, a good children ministry would attract not only children but also their parents (adults) to come to church.
There's a connection there that go both way. Parents bring kids to church, kids like it here, then the parents would keep on coming to church. Like two forces that bring people in and raise/develop the Christians here at church!
I knew this from readings but I never thought of children worship this way before.
So in children worship and children ministry we need to do a very good job. We need a whole package. Great kids Sunday school, children worship, future youth group, high school school fellowships... We need to attract kids and adults, the whole family.
That motivates me. It's a good reminder of what we should aim for. So instead of just "doing a job" at my post, now it is on how we can do better? How we can attract more kids, develop more people, bring more people to church. I guess now I see how children worship fits into the big picture, in the vehicle to serve God.
It is super great to see how some young people are fired up for God to serve and devote their time, energy, brain juice-I am just a little worry if they would get burned out too quickly coz of a little bit of overloading.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Scientists alarmed by ocean dead-zone growth
SAN FRANCISCO -- Dead zones where fish and most marine life can no longer survive are spreading across the continental shelves of the world's oceans at an alarming rate as oxygen vanishes from coastal waters, scientists reported Thursday.
The scientists place the problem on runoff of chemical fertilizers in rivers and fallout from burning fossil fuels, and they estimate there are now more than 400 dead zones along 95,000 square miles of the seas - an area more than half the size of California.
The number of those areas has nearly doubled every decade since the 1960s, said Robert J. Diaz, a biological oceanographer at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
"Dead zones were once rare, but now they're commonplace, and there are more of them in more places," he said.
Diaz and Rutger Rosenberg, a marine ecologist at Sweden's Göteborg University, have just completed a global survey of the imperiled areas, and their report appears today in the journal Science.
The phenomenon that drives life away from so many coastal habitats is called hypoxia - the lack of enough oxygen in bottom waters for fish and other valuable marine life to thrive, the report notes.
The causes of hypoxia
Hypoxia is caused by tons of nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilizers that run from farms and spill into the seas from rivers and streams as well as by fallout from power plants that burn fossil fuels.
The chemicals become prime nutrients that fertilize rich blooms of microscopic algae near the surface layers of coastal waters. The algae eventually die, sink to the bottom layers of the ocean and become food for masses of bacteria that decompose and consume the oxygen around them. The result is the dead zone, devoid of most marine life forms.
Read the rest of the article here.
Preventive steps can be taken, citing these examples:
- European nations along the Rhine agreed to halve discharged nitrogen levels, reducing the discharge into the North Sea.
- Planting new forests and grasslands will help soak up excess nitrogen, keeping it out of waterways.
- Requiring vehicles to reduce nitrogen emissions.
- Fostering alternative energy sources that are not based on burning fossil fuels.
- Better sewage treatment would reduce nutrient discharges to coastal waters.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Church Trip on Sunday

We walked from New Town Plaza and asked for direction to the CDH. When addressed respectfully, Hong Kong people are pretty helpful in giving direction but I did meet some strange people before. Some are surprisingly well, even walking a block to show you the way.
The weather was fantastic and we just had such a great time walking to CDH along the railway track. We walked past a village and there were a lot of interesting stuff along the way and we had some fun taking pictures.
I had the Canon with me but then realized that it was low on battery so I used my cellphone instead to take pictures.

Monday, November 10, 2008
理性 rational, perceptual 感性, 學術性 academmic/technicality
Credit Card
Pat Nixon's Funeral: Sermons by Billy Graham and speeches from Bob Dole, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton
I was reading on Richard and Pat Nixon and noticed how in Pat Nixon's Funeral, then President Clinton was the last speaker, just before Nixon himself. I found it kind of strange because Clinton hardly knew Pat Nixon, and yet he spoke last, then I realized that it was out of respect probably out of a set protocol that give the incumbent the last word to end the funeral. Dick and Pat were really a team.
Several years ago when I visited a Holocaust (猶太人大屠殺)museum in LA (had similar experience at the Holocaust Museum at Washington DC), I came up with the thought that: When injustice occurs, all righteous people are harmed. When some injustice happen somewhere in the world, no matter where it occurs, humanity, the human race is harmed. Offense to another human being is harm being done to all humanity. When human life is being disrespected somewhere, my life and existence is also being disrespected and undermined because we are all human.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Taxes and...
Yo-Yo Ma
azul (blue): osvaldo golijov
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election 2008
After looking at the overall election, including the Senate and House election, I am concern about Democrats dominant in both houses of Congress. I don't think it's ever a good sight to see one party controlling both the Executive and Legislative branches of the government. I like a balance, that's actually more important to me than who is president. Clinton had a Republican Congress, that turned up pretty good.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
沒有包容性的性格,如此這般狹窄的心胸,造成中國人兩個極端,不夠平衡.一方面是絕對的自卑,一方面是絕對的自傲.自卑的時候,成了奴才;自傲的時候,成了主人!獨獨的,沒有自尊. Original : http://shuwu.com/read.shtml?p=104068&p2=1&l=fanti 多少年以來,我一直想寫一本書,叫[醜陋的中國人]。我記得美國有一本「醜陋的美國 人」,寫出來之後,美國國務院拿來做為他們行動的參考。日本人也寫了一本[醜陋的日本 人],作者是駐阿根廷的大使,他閣下卻被撤職,這大概就是東力和西方的不同。中國比起 日本,好像又差一級,假定我把這本書寫出來的話,可能要麻煩各位去監獄給我送飯,所以 我始終沒有寫。但是我一直想找個機會,把它作一個口頭報告,請教全國各階層的朋友。不 過作一個口頭報告也不簡單,在台北,聽我講演的人,一聽說要講這個題目。就立刻不請我 了。所以,今天是我有生以來,笫一次用[醜陋的中國人]講演,我感到到非常高興,感謝各 位給我這個機會。 有一次,台中東海大學請我講演,我告訴他們這個題目,我問同學會會長:「會不會有 問題?」他說:「怎麼會有問題?」我對他說:「你去訓導處打聽一下:因為我這個人本來 就被當作問題人物。又講一個問題題目,那可是雙料。」跟訓導處談過之後,他打電話到台 北來說:「問題是沒有的,不過題目是不是可以改一改?訓導處認為題目難聽。」接看把他 擬定的一個很長的冠冕堂皇的題目告訴我。他問:「同意不同意?」我說:「當然不同意, 不過你一定要改,衹好就改。」那是我第一次講有關「醜陋的中國人」。我對他說:「希望 我講的時候能做個錄音,以後我可以把它改寫成一篇文章。」他慷慨承諾。結果講過之後, 把錄音帶寄來,衹有開頭的幾句話,以後就沒有了聲音。 今年我六十五歲。台北的朋友在三月七日給我做了一個生日。我對他們說:「我活了六 十五歲,全是艱難的歲月。」我的意思是:不僅僅我個人艱難,而是所有的中國人都艱難。 在座的朋友都很年輕,尤其是來自台灣的朋友們,多數擁有富裕的經濟環境,同你們談「艱 難」,你們既不愛聽,也不相信,更不了解。我所談的艱難,不是個人問題,也不是政治問 題,而是超出個人之外的,超出政治層面的整個中國人問題。不僅僅是一個人經歷了患難, 不僅僅是我這一代經歷了患難。假使我們對這個患難沒有了解。對這個有毒素的文化沒有了 解,那麼我們的災禍還會再度發生,永遠無盡無期。 在泰國考伊蘭難民營,百分之九十是從越南、柬埔寨、寮國被驅逐出來的中國人,我們 所講的「中國人」不是國籍的意思,而是指血統或文化。有一位中國文化大學華僑研究所的 女學生,是派到泰國為難民服務的服務團的一員,到了那裡幾天之後,不能忍受,哭著回 來。她說:「那種慘狀我看不下去。」後來我到了泰國。發現中國難民的處境使人落淚。好 比說:中國人不可以有私有財產。而且不能有商業行為,假使你的衣服破了,鄰居太太替你 縫兩針,你給她半碗米作為同報,這就是商業行為,然後泰國士兵會逼看那位太太全身脫 光,走到裁判所,問她:「你為什麼做這種違法的事情?」這衹是一件很輕微的侮辱我除了 難過和憤怒外,衹有一個感慨「中國人造了什麼孽?為什麼受到這種待遇?前年,我同我太 太從巴黎的地下鐵出來,看到一個賣首飾的攤子,賣主是一個東方面孔的中年婦女,我同我 太太一面挑一面講,賣主忽然用中國話向我們解釋,我們覺得很親切,問她「你怎麼會講中 國話?」她說:「我是中國人,從越南逃出來的。」她就住在考伊蘭難民營,一面說,一面 嗚咽。我衹好安慰她:「至少現在還好,沒有挨餓。」在告辭轉身時,聽到她嘆了一口氣 「唉!做一個中國人好羞愧!」我對這一聲嘆息,一生不忘。 十九世紀的南洋島,就是現在的東南亞,那時還是英國和荷蘭的屬地。有一個英國駐馬 來西亞的專員說:「做十九世紀的中國人是一個災難。」因為他看到中國人在南洋島像豬仔 一樣,無知無識,自生自滅,而且隨時會受到屠殺。我覺得二十世紀的中國人比十九世紀的 中國人。災難更大。最使我們痛苦的是:一百年來,中國人的每一個盼望。幾乎全部歸於幻 滅。來了一個盼望,以為中國會從此好起來,結果不但使我們失望,反而更壞。再來一個盼 望,而又是一個幻滅,又是一個失望。又是一個更壞。一而再再而三。民族固然長長遠的, 但個人的生命卻是有限。人生能有幾個大的盼望,人生能有幾個大的理想,經得起破滅?展 望前途,到底是光明的,還是不光明的?真是一苜難盡。四年前,我在紐約講演,講到感慨 的地方,一個人站起來說:「你從台灣來。應該告訴我們希望,應該鼓舞我們民心。想不到 你卻打擊我們。」一個人當然需要鼓勵。問題是,鼓勵起來之後怎麼辦,我從小就受到鼓 勵。五、六歲的時候,大人就對我說:「中國的前途就看你們這一代了!」我想我的責任太 大,負擔不起。後來我告訴我的兒子:「中國的前途就看你們這一代了!」。現在,兒子又 告訴孫子:「中國的前途就看你們這一代了!」一代復一代,一代何其多?到哪一代才能夠 好起來? 在中國廣大的大陸上,「反右」之後接著又來一個「文化大革命」,天翻地覆,自人類 有歷史以來還沒有遇到過這麼大的一場人造浩劫。不僅是生命的損失,最大的損失是對人性 的摧殘和對高貴品德的摧殘。人如果離開了人性和高貴的品德,就跟禽獸毫無區別。十年浩 劫使許多人都成了禽獸。這樣一個民族:品質墮落到這種地步,怎麼能夠站得起來?在馬來 西亞,華人佔百分之三十幾,有次我去博物館參觀,裡面有馬來文,有英文,就是沒有華 文。這不是說有華文就好,沒有華文就不好。那是另外一個問題。這個現象一方面說,馬來 人的心胸不寬廣,另一方面,也說明華人沒有力量,沒有地位,沒有受到尊重。泰國的華人 說:「我們掌握了泰國稻米的命脈。」不要自己安慰自己,一個法令下來。你什麼都沒有 了。 現在,大家談論最多的是香港,任何一個國家。它的土地被外國搶走。都是一種羞恥。 等到收復它的時候,就像失去的孩子一樣,同到母親的懷抱。雙方都非常歡喜。各位都知道 法國將阿爾安斯、勞蘭兩個省割給德國的事情,當它們喪失的時候,是多麼痛苦,它們回歸 的時候,又是多麼快樂。可是我們的香港,一聽說要回歸祖國,立刻嚇得魂飛魄散。這是怎 麼一同事?至於我們在台灣,有些台灣省籍的青年和有些外省籍的青年,主張台灣獨立。想 當年。三十年前,當台灣回歸祖國的時候,大家高興得如痴如狂。真是像一個迷途的孩子回 到母親的懷抱一樣。三十年之後。為什麼產生了要離家出走的想法?賽普路斯,一邊是土耳 其人,一邊是希腊人。根本是兩碼子事﹔言語不一樣,種族不一樣,宗教不一樣,什麼都不 一樣,土耳其人可以這樣做。而我們,同一個血統,同一個長相,同一個祖先,同一種文 化,同一種文字,同一種語言,衹不過住的地域不同而已,怎麼會有這種現象? 這種種事情,使得做為一個中國人,不但艱難,而且羞辱、痛苦。就是身在美國的中國 人,你不曉得他是怎麼一回事,左、右、中、獨、中偏左、左偏中、中偏右、右偏中等等。 簡直沒有共同語言。互相把對方當作殺父之仇,這算是一個什麼樣的民族?這算是一個什麼 樣的國家?世界上沒有一個國家像中國那麼歷史悠久,沒有一個國家有我們這樣一脈相傳的 文化,而且這個文化曾經達到高度的文明。現代的希腊人跟從前的希腊人無關,現代的埃及 人跟從前的埃及人無關,而現代的中國人卻是古中國人的後裔。為什麼這樣一個龐大的國 家,這樣一個龐大的民族,落到今天這種醜陋的地步?不但受外國人欺負,更受自己人欺負 --受暴君、暴官、暴民的欺負。有時侯我在外國公園裡停一下。看到外國小孩,他們是那麼 快樂,我從內心產生羡慕。他們沒有負擔,他們的前途坦落,心理健康,充滿歡愉。我們台 灣的孩子,到學校去念書。戴上近視眼鏡。為了應付功課的壓力,六親不認。他母親昏倒在 地,他去扶她。母親悲愴的喊:「我死了算了,管我干什麼?你用功罷,你用功罷!」我太 太在教書的時候,偶爾談到題外做人的話,學生馬上就抗議:「我們不要學做人,我們要學 應付考試。」再看大陸上的一些孩子,從小就要鬥,就要詐欺,就要練習出賣朋友同志,就 要滿口謊言。多可怕的教育,我們要靠下一代,下一代卻是這種樣子。 我在台灣三十多年,寫小說十年,寫雜文十年,坐牢十年,現在將是寫歷史十年,平均 分配。為什麼我不寫小說了?我覺得寫小說比較間接,要透過一個形式,一些人物,所以我 改寫雜文。雜文像匕首一樣,可以直接插入罪惡的心臟。雜文就好像一個人坐在司機的旁邊 一直提醒司機,你已經開錯了,應該左轉,應該右轉,應該靠邊走,不應該在雙黃線上超 車,前面有橋,應該放緩油門,前面有一個十字路口,有紅燈等等。不停的提醒,不停的 叫,叫多了以後就被關進大牢。掌握權柄的人認為:衹要沒有人指出他的錯誤,他就永遠沒 有錯誤。 我自己在牢房裡沉思,我為什麼坐牢,我犯了什麼罪?犯了什麼法?出獄之後,我更不 斷的探討,像我這樣的遭遇,是不是一個變態的、特殊的例予?我到愛荷華,正式和大陸的 作家在一起,使我發現,像我這種人,上帝注定要我坐牢,不在台灣坐牢,就在大陸坐牢。 他們同我講:「你這個脾氣,到不了紅衛兵,到不了文化大革命,反右就把你反掉了。」為 什麼一個中國人,稍微膽大心粗一點,稍微講一點點實話,就要遭到這種命運?我遇到很多 在大陸坐過牢的人,我間他們:「你為什麼坐牢?」他們說:「講了幾句實話。」就是這 樣。為什麼講了幾句實話就會遭到這樣的命運?我認為這不是個人的問題,而是中國文化的 問題。前幾天,有位從北京來的「全國作家協會」的黨書記,我同他談,把我氣得講不出話 來。我覺得我吵架還蠻有本領,可是那一次真把我一棍于打悶了。但不能怪他,甚至於在台 北關我的特務,都不能責備,換了各位,在那個環境之中,納入那種軌道之後,也可能會有 那樣的反應,因為你覺得做得是對的。我也會那樣做。因為我認為我做得是對的,甚至可能 比他們更壞。常聽到有人說:「你的前途操在自己手裡。」我年紀大了之後,覺得這話很有 問題,事實上是,一半操在自己之手,一半操在別人之手。 一個人生活在世上,就好像水泥攪拌器裡的石子一樣,運轉起來之後,身不由主。使我 們感覺到,不是某一個人的問題,而是社會問題,而是文化問題。耶穌臨死的時候說:「寬 容他們,他們做的他們不知道。」年輕時候讀這句話,覺得稀松平常,長大之後,也覺得這 句話沒有力量。但是到了我現在這個年齡,才發現這句話多麼深奧,多麼痛心。使我想到我 們中國人,成了今天這個樣子,我們的醜陋,來自於我們不知道我們醜陋。我到愛荷華,因 為中華民國跟美國沒有邦交,我們夫婦的經費是由愛荷華大學出一半,再出私人捐助一半。 捐助一半的是愛荷華燕京飯店老板,一位從沒有回過中國的中國人裴竹章先生,我們從前沒 見過面,捐了一個這麼大的數目,使我感動。他和我談話,他說:「我在沒有看你的書之 前,我覺得中國人了不起,看了你的書之後,才覺得不是那麼一回事,所以說,我想請你當 面指教。]裴竹韋先生在發現我們文化有問題後,深思到是不是我們中國人的品質有問題, 我第一次出國時,孫觀漢先生跟我講:「你回國之後,不准講一句話:唉!中國人到那裡都 是中國人。」我說:「好,我不講。」回國之後,他問我:「你講得怎麼樣?」我說:「還 是不准講的那句話:中國人到那裡都是中國人。」他希望我不要講這句話。是他希望中國人 經過若千年後,有所改變,想不到並沒有變。是不是我們中國人的品質真的有了問題?是不 是上帝造我們中國人的時候,就賦給我們一個醜陋的內心?我想不應是品質問題,這不是自 找安慰,中國人可是世界上最聰明的民族之一,在美國各大學考前幾名的,往往是中國人, 許多大科學家,包括中國原子科學之父孫觀漢先生,諾貝爾獎金得主楊振宁、李政道先生, 都是第一流的頭腦。中國人並不是品質不好,中國人的品質足可以使中國走到一個很健康、 很快樂的境界,我們有資格做到這一點,我們有理由相信中國會成為一個很好的國家。但我 們不必整天要我們的國家強大,國家不強大有什麼關系?衹要人民幸福。在人民幸福了之 後,再去追求強大不遲。我想我們中國人有高貴的品質。但是為什麼幾百年以來,始終不能 使中國人脫離苦難?什麼原因? 我想冒昧的提出一個綜合性的答案,那就是,中國傳統文化中有一種濾過性病毒,使我 們子子孫孫受了感染,到今天都不能痊愈。有人說:「自己不爭氣,卻怪祖先。」這話有一 個大漏洞。記得易卜先生有一出名劇(按,[群鬼]),有梅毒的父母,生出個梅毒的兒子, 每次兒子病發的時候:都要吃葯。有一次,兒子憤怒的說:「我不要這個葯,我宁愿死。你 看你給我一個什麼樣的身体?」這能怪他而不怪他的父母?我們不是怪我們的父母。我們不 是怪我們的祖先,假定我們要怪的話,我們要怪我們的祖先給我們留下什麼樣的文化?這麼 一個龐大的國度,擁有全世界四分之一人口的一個龐大民族,卻陷入貧窮、愚昧、鬥爭、血 腥等等的流沙之中,難以自拔。我看到別的國家人与人之間的相處,心裡充滿了羡慕。這樣 的一個傳統文化。產生了現在這樣的一個現象,使我們中國人具備了很多種可怕的特徵。最 明顯的特徵之一就是髒、亂、吵。台北曾經一度反髒亂。結果反了幾天也不再反了。我們的 廚房髒亂。我們的家庭髒亂。有很多地方,中國人一去,別人就搬走了。我有一個小朋友, 國立政治大學畢業的,嫁給一個法國人,住在巴黎,許多朋友到歐洲旅行都在她家,打過地 舖。她跟我說:「她住的那棟樓裡,法國人都搬走了,東方人都搬來了。」(東方人的意 思,有時候是指整個東方,有時候專指中國人。)我聽了很難過,可是隨便看看,到處是冰 淇淋盒子、拖鞋﹔小孩子到處跑,到處亂畫,空氣裡有潮濕的霉味。我問:「你們不能弄乾 凈嗎?」她說:「不能。」不但外國人覺得我們髒,我們亂。經過這麼樣提醒之後,我們自 己也覺得我們髒、我們亂。至於吵,中國人的嗓門之大,真是天下無雙,尤以廣東老鄉的噪 門最為叫座。有個發生在美國的笑話:兩個廣東人在那裡講悄悄話,美國人認為他們就要打 架,急撥電話報案,警察來了,問他們在干什麼?他們說:「我們正耳語。」 為什麼中國人聲音大?因為沒有安全感,所以中國人嗓門特高,覺得聲音大就是理大: 衹要聲音大、噪門高,理都跑到我這裡來了,要不然我怎麼會那麼氣憤?我想這幾點足使中 國人的形象受到破壞,使我們的內心不能平安。因為吵、髒、亂,自然會影響內心,窗明幾 凈和又髒又亂,是兩個完全不一樣的世界。 至於中國人的窩裡鬥,可是天下聞名的中國人的重要特性。每一個單獨的日本人。看起 來都像一條豬,可是三個日本人加起來就是一條龍:日本人的團隊精神使日本所向無敵。中 國人打仗打不過日本人,做生意也做不過日本人,就在台北,三個日本人做生意,好,這次 是你的,下次是我的。中國人做生意,就顯現出中國人的醜陋程度,你賣五十。我賣四十, 你賣三十,我賣二十。所以說。每一個中國人都是一條龍,中國入講起話來頭頭是道。上可 以把太陽一口氣吹滅,下可以治國平天下。中國人在單獨一個位置上。譬如在研究室裡,在 考場上,在不需要有人際關系的情況下,他可以有了不起的發展。但是三個中國人加在一 起,三巨條龍加在一起。就成了一條豬、一條蟲,甚至連虱都不如。因為中國人最拿手的是 內鬥。有中國人的地方就有內鬥,中國人永遠不團結,似乎中國人身上缺少團結的細胞,所 以外國人批評中國人不知道團結,我衹好說:「你知道中國人不團結是什麼意思?是上帝的 意思!因為中國有十億人口,團結起來,萬眾一心,你受得了?是上帝可憐你們,才教中國 人不團結。」我一面講,一面痛徹心腑。 中國人不但不團結,反而有不團結的充分理由,每一個人都可以把這個理由寫成一本 書。各位在美國看得最清楚,最好的標本就在眼前,任何一個華人社會,至少分成三百六十 五派,互相想把對方置於死地。中國有一句話:一個和尚擔水吃,兩個和尚抬水吃,三個和 尚沒水吃。」人多有什麼用?中國人在內心上根本就不了解合作的重要性。可是你說他不了 解,他可以寫一本團結重要的書給你看看。我上次(一九八一)來美國,住在一個在大學教 書的朋友家裡,談得頭頭是道,天文地理,怎麼樣救國等等,第二天我說:「我要到張三那 兒去一下。」他一聽是張三,就眼冒不屑的火光,我說:「你送我去一下吧!」他說:「我 不送,你自己去好了。」都在美國學校教書,都是從一個家鄉來的,竟不能互相容忍,那還 講什麼理性?所以中國人的窩裡鬥,是一項嚴重的特徵。 各位在美國更容易体會到這一點,凡是整中國人最厲害的人不是外國人,而是中國人。 凡是出賣中國人的:也不是外國人,而是中國人。凡是陷害中國人的,不是外國人,而是中 國人。在馬來西亞就有這樣的一個故事:有一個朋友住在那兒開礦,一下子被告了,告得很 嚴重,追查之下,告他的原來是個老朋友,一塊從中國來的,在一起打天下的。朋友質問他 怎麼做出這種下流的事?那人說:「一塊兒打天下是一塊兒打天下,你現在高樓大廈,我現 在搞的沒辦法,我不告你告誰?」所以搞中國人的還是中國人。譬如說,在美國這麼大的一 個國度,滄海一粟。怎麼會有人知道你是非法入境?有人告你麼!誰告你?就是你身邊的朋 友,就是中國人告你。有許多朋友同我說:如果頂頭上司是中國人時,你可要特別注意。特 別小心,他不但不會提升你,裁員時還會先開除你。因為他要「表示」他大公無私,所以我 們怎麼能跟猶太人比?我常聽人說:「我們同猶太人一樣,那麼勤勞。」我覺得這話應該分 兩部分來講,一個是,中國人的勤勞美德,在大陸已被四人幫整個破壞。幾千年下來,中國 唯一最重要的美德--勤勞,現在已不存在。第二,我們拿什麼來跟猶太人比?像報紙上說 的:以色列國會裡吵起來了,不得了啦,三個人有三個意見。但是,卻故意抹殺一件事情, 一旦決定了之後,卻是一個方向,雖然吵得一塌糊涂,外面還在打仗,敵人四面包圍。仍照 舊舉行選舉!各位都現白,選舉的意義是必須有一個反對黨,沒有反對黨的選舉,不過是一 台三流的野台戲。在我們中國,三個人同樣有三個意見,可是,跟以色列不一樣的是,中國 人在決定了之後。卻是三個方向。好比說今天有人提議到紐約,有人提議到舊金山,表決決 定到紐約。如果是以色列人,他們會去紐約。如果是中國人,哼,你們去紐約,我有我的自 由,我還是去舊金山。我在英國影片中,看見一些小孩子在爭,有的要爬樹,有的要游泳, 鬧了一陣之後決定表決,表決通過爬樹,於是大家都去爬樹。我對這個行為有深刻的印象, 因為民主不是形式,而是生活的一部分。我們的民主是「以示民主」:投票的時候,大官還 要照個相,表示他降貴紆尊,民主並沒有成為他生活的一部分,衹成為他表演的一部分。 中國人的不能團結,中國人的窩裡鬥,是中國人的劣根性。這不是中國人的品質不好, 而是中國的文化中,有濾過性的病毒,使我們到時侯非顯現出來不可,使我們的行為不能自 我控制,明知道這是窩裡鬥,還是要窩裡鬥。鍋砸了大家都吃不成飯,天塌下來有個子高的 可以頂。因為這種窩裡鬥的哲學,使我們中國人產生了一種很特殊的行為死不認錯。各位有 沒有聽到中國人認過錯?假如你聽到中國人說:「這件事我錯了。」你就應該為我們國家民 族額手稱慶。我女兒小的時候,有一次我打了她,結果是我錯怪了她,她哭得很厲害,我心 裡很難過。我覺得它是幼小無助的,她衹能靠父母,而父母突然一翻臉,是多麼可怕的一件 事。我抱起她來,我說:「對不起,爸爸錯了,爸爸錯了,我保証以後不再犯,好女兒,原 諒爸爸。」她役久很久以後才不哭。這件事情過去之後,我心裡一直很痛苦,但是我又感到 無限驕傲,因為我向我的女兒承認自己錯誤。 中國人不習慣認錯,反而有一萬個理由。掩蓋自己的錯誤。有一句俗話:「閉門思 過。」思誰的過?思對方的過?我教書的時侯,學生寫周記,檢討一周的行為,檢討的結果 是:「今天我被某某騙了,騙我的那個人,我對他這麼好,那麼好,衹因為我太忠厚。」看 了對方的檢討,也是說他太忠厚。每個人檢討都覺得自己太忠厚?那麼誰不忠厚呢?不能夠 認錯是因為中國人喪失了認錯的能力。我們雖然不認錯,錯還是存在,並不是不認錯就沒有 錯。為了掩飾一個錯,中國人就不得不用很大的力氣,再制造更多的錯,來証明第一個錯並 不是錯。所以說,中國人喜歡講大話。喜歡講空話,喜歡講假話,喜歡講謊話,更喜歡講毒 話--要毒的話。不斷夸張我們中華民族大漢天聲,不斷夸張中國傳統文化可以宏揚世界。因 為不能兌現的緣故,全都是大話、空話。我不再舉假話、謊話的例子,但中國人的毒話,卻 十分突出,連閨房之內,都跟外國人不同。外國夫妻昵稱「蜜糖」「打鈴」,中國人卻冒 出:「殺千刀的」。一旦涉及政治立場或爭權奪利的場合,毒話就更無限上綱,使人覺得中 國人為什麼這麼惡毒、下流? 我有位寫武俠小說的朋友,後來改行做生意,有次碰到他,問他做生意可發了財?他 說:「發什麼財?現在就要上吊!」我問他為什麼賠了?他說:「你不曉得,和商人在一 起。同他講了半天,你還是不知道他主要的意思是什麼。」很多外國朋友對我說:「和中國 人交往很難,說了半天不曉得他心裡什麼想法。」我說:「這有什麼稀奇,不要說你們洋 人,就中國人和中國人來往,都不知道對方心裡想的什麼。」要察顏觀色,轉彎抹角,問他 說:「吃過飯沒有?」他說:「吃了」其實沒有吃,肚子還在叫。譬如說選舉,洋人的作風 是:「我覺得我合适,請大家選我。」中國人卻是諸葛亮式的:即令有人請他,他也一再推 辭:「唉!我不行啊!我那裡夠資格?」其實你不請他的話,他恨你一輩于。好比這次請我 講演,我說:「不行吧!我不善於講話呀!」可是真不請我的話,說不定以後台北見面,我 會飛一塊磚頭報你不請我之仇。一個民族如果都是這樣,會使我們的錯誤永遠不能改正。往 往用十個錯誤來掩飾一個錯誤,再用一百個錯誤來掩飾十個錯誤。 有一次我去台中看一位英國教授,有一位也在那個大學教書的老朋友,跑來看我,他 說:「晚上到我那兒去吃飯。」我說:「對不起,我還有約。」他說:「不行,一定要 來!」我說:「好吧,到時候再說。」他說:「一定來,再見!」我們中國人心裡有數,可 是洋人不明白。辦完事之後?到了吃晚飯的時候,我說:「我要回去了。」英國教授說: 「哎!你剛才不是和某教授約好了的嗎?要到他家去啊。」我說:「哪有這回事?」他說: 「他一定把飯煮好了等你。」外國人就不懂中國人這種心口不一的這一套。 這種種情形,使中國人生下來就有很沉重的負擔,每天都要去揣摩別人的意思。如果是 平輩朋友,還沒有關系。如果他有權勢,如果他是大官,如果他有錢,而你又必須跟他接 近,你就要時時刻刻琢磨他到底在想什麼?這些都是精神浪費。所以說,有句俗話:「在中 國做事容易,做人難。」「做人」就是軟体文化,各位在國外住久了,回國之後就會体會到 這句話的壓力。做事容易,二加二就是四,可是做人就難了,二加二可能是五,可能是一, 可能是八百五十三,你以為你講了實話,別人以為你是攻擊你難道要顛覆政府呀?這是一個 嚴重的課題,使我們永遠在一些大話、空話、假話、謊話、毒話中打轉。我有一個最大的本 領,開任何會議時,我都可以坐在那裡睡覺,睡醒一覺之後,會也就結束。為什麼呢?開會 時大家講的都是連他自己都不相信的話,聽不聽都一樣。不衹台灣如此,大陸尤其嚴重。今 年(一九八四)參加國際作家寫作計划的一位大陸著名的女作家諶容,寫了一篇小說《真真假 假》,推荐給各位,務請拜讀。環境使我們說謊,使我們不能誠實。我們至少應該覺得,壞 事是一件壞事,一旦壞事被我們認為是一件榮耀的事,認為是無所謂的事的話,這個民族的 軟体文化就開始下降。好比說偷東西被認為是無所謂的事,不是不光榮的事,甚至是光榮的 事,這就造成一個危機,而我們中國人正面對這個危機。 因為中國人不斷的掩飾自己的錯誤,不斷的講大話、空話、假話、謊話、毒話,中國人 的心靈遂完全封閉,不能開闊。中國的面積這麼大,文化這麼久遠,泱泱大國,中國人應該 有一個什麼樣的心胸?應該是泱泱大國的心胸。可是我們泱泱大國民的心胸衹能在書上看 到,衹能在電視上看到。你們看過哪一個中國人有泱泱大國民的胸襟?衹要瞪他一眼,馬上 動刀子。你和他意見不同試一試?洋人可以打一架之後回來握握手,中國人打一架可是一百 年的仇恨,三代都報不完的仇恨!為什麼我們缺少海洋般的包容性? 沒有包容性的性格,如此這般狹窄的心胸,造成中國人兩個極端,不夠平衡。一方面是 絕對的自卑。一方面是絕對的自傲。自卑的時候,成了奴才﹔自傲的時候,成了主人!獨獨 的,沒有自尊。自卑的時候他覺得自己是團狗屎,和權勢走得越近,臉上的笑容越多。自傲 的時候覺得其他的人都是狗屎。不屑一顧。變成了一種人格分裂的奇異動物。 在中國要創造一個奇跡很容易,一下子就會現出使人惊異的成就。但是要保持這個奇 跡,中國人卻缺少這種能力。一個人稍稍有一點可憐的成就,於是耳朵就不靈光了。眼睛也 花了,路也不會走了,因為他開始發燒。為了兩篇文章就成了一個作家。拍了兩部電影就成 了電影明星,當了兩年有點小權的官就成了人民救星,到美國來念了兩年書就成了專家學 人﹔這些都是自我膨脹。台灣曾經出過一個車禍,國立台灣師範大學的畢業生出去旅行,車 掌小姐說:「我們這位司機先生,是天下一流的司機,英俊、年輕。」那位司機先生立刻放 開方向盤,同大家拱手致意。這就是自我膨脹,他認為他技術高明,使他雖不扶方向盤,照 樣可以開車。若干年前,看過一部電影。有一次,羅馬皇帝請了一個人來表演飛翔,這個人 自己做了一對翅膀,當他上塔之前,展示給大家看,全場掌聲雷動。他一下子膨脹到不能克 制,覺得偉大起來,認為不要這對翅膀照樣可以飛,接看就順看梯子往上爬,他太太拉他 說:「沒有這個東西是不能飛的,你怎麼可以這個樣子?」他說:「你懂什麼?」他太太追 他,他就用腳踩他太太的手。他到了塔上後,把蓋子一蓋,偉大加三級,再往下一跳,噗通 一聲就沒有了。觀眾大發脾氣:我們出錢是看飛的,不是看摔死人的,教他太太飛。他太太 凄涼的對她丈夫在天之靈說:「你膨脹的結果是,害了你自己,也害了你的妻子。」 中國人是天下最容易膨脹的民族,為什麼容易膨脹?因為中國人「器小易盈」,見識太 少,心胸太窄,稍微有一點氣候,就認為天地雖大,已裝他不下。假如衹有幾個人如此。還 沒有關系,假使全民族,或是大多數,或者是較多數的中國人都如此的話,就形成了民族的 危機。中國人似乎永遠沒有自尊,以至於中國人很難有平等觀念。你如果不是我的主人,我 便是你的主人。這種情形影響到個人心態的封閉,死不認錯。可是又不斷有錯,以致使我們 中國人產生一種神經質的恐懼。舉一個例子來說明:台北有個朋友,有一次害了急病,被抬 到中心診所,插了一身管子,把他給救活了。兩三天之後:他的家人覺得中心診所費用較 大,預備轉到榮民總醫院,就跟醫生去講,醫生一聽之下大發雷霆。說:「我好不容易把他 的命救回來,現在要轉院呀。」於是不由分說,把管子全部拔下,病人幾乎死掉,朋友向我 談起這件事時,既悲又憤,我向他說:「你把那醫生的名字告訴我,我寫文章揭發他。」他 大吃一惊說:「你這個人太沖動,好事,早知道不跟你講。」我聽了氣得發瘋,我說:「你 怕什麼?他衹不過是個醫生而已,你再生病時不不找他便是了,難道他能到你家非看病報復 不可?再說,他如果要對付的話,也衹能對付我,不會對付你。是我寫的,我都不怕,你怕 什麼?」他說:「你是亡命之徒。」我覺得我應該受到贊揚的,反而受到他的奚落。我想這 不是他一個人的問題,他是我很好的朋友。人也很好,他講這些話是因為他愛護我,不愿意 我去闖禍。然而這正是神經質的恐懼,這個也怕,那個也怕。 記得我第一次到美國來,紐約發生了一次搶案,是一個中國人被搶,捉到強盜後,他不 敢去指認。每個人都恐懼的不得了。不曉得什麼是自己的權利,也不曉得保護自己的權力, 每遇到一件事情發生,總是一句話:「算了,算了。」「算了算了」四個字,不知害死了多 少中國人,使我們民族的元氣,受到挫傷。我假如是一個外國人,或者,我假如是一個暴 君,對這樣一個民族,如果不去虐待它的話,真是天理不容。這種神經質的恐懼,是培養暴 君、暴官最好的溫床,所以中國的暴君、暴官,永遠不會絕跡。中國傳統文化裡--各位在 《資治通監》中可以看到一再強調明哲保身,暴君暴官最喜歡,最欣賞的就是人民明哲保 身,所以中國人就越來越墮落萎縮。 中國文化在春秋戰國時代,是最燦爛的時代。但是從那個時代之後,中國文化就被儒家 所控制。到了東漢,政府有個規定,每一個知識分子的發言、辯論、寫文章,都不能超出他 老師告訴他的範圍,這叫做「師承」。如果超出師承,不但學說不能成立,而且還違犯法 條。這樣下來之後,把中國知識分子的想像力和思考力,全都扼殺、僵化。就像用塑膠口袋 往大腦上一套,滴水不進。一位朋友說,「怎麼沒有思考力?我看報還會發牢騷。」思考是 多方面的事,一件事不僅有一面,不僅有兩面,甚至有很多面。孫觀漢先生常用一個例子, 有一個球:一半白,一半黑,看到白的那半邊的人,說它是個白球。另一邊的人,則說它是 個黑球,他們都沒有錯,錯在沒有跑到另一邊去看,而跑到另一邊看,需要想像力和思考 力。當我們思考問題時,應該是多方面的。 有一則美國的小幽默,一位氣象學系老師舉行考試,給學生一個氣壓計,叫他用「氣壓 計」量出樓房的高度,意思當然是指用「氣壓」測量高度。但那位學生卻用很多不同方法, 偏偏不用「氣壓」,老師很生氣,就給他不及格,學生控訴到校方委員會,委員會就問他為 什麼要那麼同答?他說:「老師要我用那個「氣壓計」來量樓有多高。他並沒有說一定要用 「氣壓」,我當然可以用我認為最簡單的方法。」委員會的人問他:「除了那些方法之外, 還有沒有其他的方法?」學生:「還有很多,我可以用繩子把氣壓計從樓上吊下來,再量繩 子,就知道樓有多高。」「還有沒有別的方法?」學生說:「還有,我可以找到這棟樓房的 管理員,把這個氣壓計送給他,讓他告訴我這個樓有多高。」這個學生並不是邪門,他所顯 示的意義,就是一種想像力和思考力,常使漿糊腦筋嚇死。 還有一種「買西瓜學」,老板對伙計說:「你一出門,往西走,第一道橋那裡,就有賣 西瓜的,你給我買兩斤西瓜。」伙計一出門。往西走,沒有看見橋,也沒有賣西瓜的,於是 就空手回來。老板罵他混蛋,沒有頭腦。他說:「東邊有賣的。」老板問他:「你為什麼不 到東邊去?」他說:「你沒叫我去。」老板又罵他混蛋。其實老板覺得這個伙計老實,服從 性強,沒有思考能力,才是真正的安全可靠。假如伙計出去一看,西邊沒有,東邊有。就去 買了,瓜又便宜、又甜。回去之後老板會夸獎他說:「你太聰了,了不起,做人正應該如 此,我很需要你。」其實老板覺得這個家伙靠不住,會胡思亂想。各位。有思考能力的奴隸 最危臉,主子對這種奴隸不是殺就是赶。這種文化之下孕育出來的人,怎能獨立思考?因為 我們沒有獨立思考訓練,也恐懼獨立思考。所以中國人也缺少鑑賞能力,什麼都是和稀泥。 沒有是非,沒有標准。中國到今天這個地步,應該在文化裡找出原因。 這個文化,自從孔丘先生之后,四千年間,沒有出過一個思想家,所有認識字的人,都 在那裡注解孔丘的學說,或注解孔丘門徒的學說,自己沒有獨立的意見,因為我們的文化不 允許這樣做,所以衹好在這潭死水中求生存。這個潭,這個死水,就是中國文化的醬缸,醬 缸發臭,使中國人變得醜陋。就是由於這個醬缸深不可測,以至許多問題,無法用自己的思 考來解決,衹好用其他人的思考來領導。這樣的死水,這樣的醬缸,既使是水蜜桃丟進去也 會變成乾屎橛。外來的東西一到中國就變質了,別人有民主,我們也有民主,我們的民主 是:「你是民,我是主。」別人有法制,我們也有法制,別人有自由,我們也有自由,你有 什麼,我就有什麼。你有斑馬線,我也有斑馬線-當然,我們的斑馬線是用來引誘你給車子 壓死的。 要想改變我們中國人的醜陋形象,衹有從現在開始,每個人都想辦法把自己培養成鑑賞 家。我們雖然不會演戲。卻要會看戲,不會看戲的看熱鬧,會看戲的看門道。鑑賞家本身就 是一個了不起的成就。我記得剛到台灣的時候,有一個朋友收集了很多貝多芬的唱片。有 七、八套,我請求他送一套或賣一套給我,他當場拒絕,因為每一套都由不同的指揮和樂隊 演奏,並不一樣。我聽了很慚愧,他就是一個鑑賞家。 上一次美國總統競選的時候,我們看到侯選人的辯論,從不揭露對方陰私,因為這樣做 選民會免得你水准不夠,喪失選票。中國人的作法就不一樣,不但專門揭露陰私,而且制造 陰私,用語惡毒。什麼樣的土壤長什麼樣的草,什麼樣的社會就產生什麼樣的人。人民一定 要自己夠水准,人民自己如果不夠水准,還去怪誰?對一個不值得尊敬的人,我們卻直著脖 子叫他萬歲。那你能怪他騎到你頭上?拿錢買選票這種事情,使人痛心,選民在排著隊選 舉,一看到人在付錢買票,有人就問:「怎麼不給我呀?」這種人還配實行民主?民主是要 自己爭取的,不能靠別人賞賜。現在,常有人講:「政府放寬多了。」這是很可怕的事情, 自由、權利是我們的,你付給我,我有,你不付給我,我也有。我們如果有鑑賞能力,就一 定要爭取選舉。嚴格選擇對象。我們沒有鑑賞的能力,連美女和麻子臉都分不出。能夠怪 誰?好比說畫畫,假使我柏楊畫了畢加索的假畫,有人看到說:「這真好︱」花五十萬美金 買下來了,請問你買了假畫能怪誰?是你瞎了眼!是你沒有鑑賞能力。可是在這種情況之 下。真的畢加系的畫就不會有人賣了:假畫出籠,真畫家衹好餓死。買了假畫不能怪別人, 衹能怪自己。就好像有一個人請來了一個裁縫師傅修他的門。結果把門裝顛倒了,主人說: 「你瞎了眼?」裁縫師傅說:「誰瞎了眼?瞎了眼才找錯人!」這個故事我們要再三沉思。 沒有鑑賞力。就好像是瞎了眼的主人。 中國人有這麼多醜陋面,衹有中國人才能改造中國人。但是外國人有義務幫助我們,不 是經濟幫助,而是文化幫助。因為中國船太大,人太多,沉下去之後,會把別人也拖下漩渦 淹死。在座的美國朋友,請接受我們伸出的雙手。最後一點,我的感想是:我們中國人口太 多,僅衹十億張大的口,連喜馬拉雅山都能吞進去,使我們想到,中國人的苦難是多方面 的,必須每一個人都要覺醒。如果我們每一個人都成為一個好的鑑賞家,我們就能鑑賞自 己,鑑賞朋友,鑑賞國家領導人物。這是中國人目前應該走的一條路,也是唯一的一條路。 謝謝! 原載一九八四年十一月十五香港《百姓半月刊》﹔十二月一日紐約《台灣与世界雜 志》﹔十二月八日,台北《自立晚報》﹔十二月十三日洛杉磯《論壇報》。 |
Monday, November 3, 2008
Things We Are Writing and Editing
Sunday, November 2, 2008
fulfil and fulfill
English Spelling | American Spelling |
recognise | recognize (sometimes Eng. too) |
behaviour | behavior |
recognising | recognizing (sometimes Eng. too) |
paralyse | paralyze |
generalisations | generalizations (sometimes Eng. too) |
labelling | labeling |
analyse | analyze |
programme | program |
hypoglycaemia | hypoglycemia |
travelling | traveling |
revitalise | revitalize (sometimes Eng. too) |
practise (the verb) | practice (Am. both verb and noun!) |
apologising | apologizing (sometimes Eng. too) |
defence | defense |
channelled | chanelled |
finalised | finalized (sometimes Eng. too) |
Now for a lovely one…
English | American |
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
someone once told me that it is just the way it is, the ones can give will have to give themselves out to others. it's almost like a duty.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
i wish things can be different yet i think i learn how precious time is and the situation makes me think about..."what the heck am i doing here?"
Temporary Dictators of Roman Republic and Empire
That's kind of unbelievable for me. For someone not to be corrupted by power with such loyalty to the state.
I was shopping around the area around my work for something healthy to eat and I realized that I don't have much choices. Can't eat food made with eggs because cheap eggs from Dailin which a lot of Chachantengs use have melamine in them, I can't get any drink with milk powder, creamer, milk also because of contaminated melamine milk products from China. I was thinking about getting a piece of bread but bread is make from some eggs and milk products. Eggs actually take away a lot of the food off the list, steam egg, fried rice, egg salad and etc. And meat isn't such a great idea either after being warned about chicken, pigs and cows eating messive amount of genetically altered corn based food which is rich in omega 6 which increases risk of cancer. Oh crap, my family has a history of cancer. Can i get a goat or lamp chop? Salad? The only place that serves salad around here in McDonald's. I really miss American fastfood with their extensive menu from chili, potato, side salad, taco salad, burritoes and giant burger and thick shake with real strawberries.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pass It On
All these things remind me that there is a need for God out there in the world. The human race needs a cure. We sang this song, "Pass it on" at church on Sunday and I didn't think much of it as I was singing it except on how much better it is in English despite of the nice translation by Yip Sir. I also thought about how I don't really have that fire in me to share the good news to people around me.
It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;
That's how it is with God's Love,
Once you've experienced it,
Your spread the love to everyone
You want to pass it on.
What a wonderous time is spring,
When all the tress are budding
The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;
That's how it is with God's love,
Once you've experienced it.
You want to sing, it's fresh like spring,
You want to pass it on.
I wish for you my friend
This happiness that I've found;
You can depend on God
It matters not where you're bound,
I'll shout it from the mountain top (PRAISE GOD!)
I want the world to know
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on.
I'll shout it from the mountain top (PRAISE GOD!)
I want the world to know
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life."
We do take it for granted. And for God's love to spread, we need to love others. That's how we show God's love to others, we act as the moon, reflecting the sunlight.
At work we used to get "free tea" every once in a while when coworkers passed their probation period or got promotions, but now...thanks to the lack of team spirit from the Chinese department, the great trend has faded.