Tuesday, November 3, 2009

End of the Semester

so time flies and I am at the LAST WEEK of my first semester at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS).

and here I am with less than 5 days, in a mad dash to the finish line in just little more than 4 days to go to finish my stop-motion animation and my 12-15 page documentary film script/treatment/essay.

i just went to the last Focus meeting of the year and we had Thomas graduating along with others.

just great props to the leaders at Focus for being so generous, loving and service. Kian, Paul, Kevin, John, Thomas and others were just super. So kind and humble. Where do you get these people? Especially Kevin, John and Thomas...so pure, gentle, humble, ready to serve with such obedience. Selfless. They are like peace, you become peaceful near them.

the song, Leaving On The Jetplane by John Denver came to mind, and I think it's because I am not going to see them for a while.

sometimes i wish the world is like that, people doing good with no selfish motives, being there just to serve, not to gain whatever and they do get blessed, believe me.

James and Lee Anne with their two very young sons, one being just 6 months old are going to China. and part of me think, that's nuts. your kid is barely half a year old and you are going to China? people in China want to come over here and you are going over there, and without a job!!?!?! are you guys crazy? You don't know the language? Why are you doing this?

That's what happens I guess, when you get called. You just do it.

It's impractical and in worldly sense, it's stupid but there is something more than the world.

So, thank you and good luck. May the Lord be with you and take care of the little ones. Emmanuel.

-and i should get back to work.

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