Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mayday Mayday

I am having trouble getting things done. I need to get my priority right. I am putting things off later and later, day by day when they should be. I am borrowing time but I am actually stealing from sleep. Time can never be borrowed. There's no borrowing time. Just need more wisdom, discipline, strength...

Just need to get things done.

A lot of people suffering and needing help but the number of people who can help is very limited or maybe we are just not as connected as we should be. We need more "giver". We need to nurture more people, build up more people. Everybody is busy but I believe things can be improved and the load be softened if everybody make a little sacrifice (heart, time and action) and share the load. Need to get people "plugged" in.

Busyness is an obstacle.

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